‘The Last Jedi’: A shot-by-shot breakdown of this fascinating new ‘Star Wars’ galaxy

So you’ve seen the pants-wettingly good new trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and you’re probably wondering what all of it means. Well, luckily for you, we spent plenty of time reading Star Wars tie-in novels and visual guides (and also getting plenty of wedgies) in our youth and are here to break it down for you.

Here’s a slideshow of all of the important stuff we’ve gleaned from a scant two minutes of footage, and there’s a lot of it! Jump down to the bottom to revisit the teaser trailer and its very-cool poster.

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Luke, looking the most like Master Yoda that he has ever, stands in the doorway of a cave (or maybe the entrance to the First Jedi Temple) and announces that the Jedi must end. This may prove to be the most controversial bit of the trailer, but it’s been circulating as a rumor for a while now, and also is rooted in a great deal of his character. Luke brings balance to the force not by obliterating the Sith, but by becoming some sort of “grey” Jedi, or a good Jedi who doesn’t follow the dogma of the order itself. This is an understandable point of view, given that he’s the child of a man who became a mass murderer because he wasn’t allowed to get married. It’s an interesting development (and probably represents the best way to truly integrate the prequels to the modern canon). Still, the eight-year-old in us is freaking out.

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