‘The Last Jedi’: A shot-by-shot breakdown of this fascinating new ‘Star Wars’ galaxy

So you’ve seen the pants-wettingly good new trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and you’re probably wondering what all of it means. Well, luckily for you, we spent plenty of time reading Star Wars tie-in novels and visual guides (and also getting plenty of wedgies) in our youth and are here to break it down for you.

Here’s a slideshow of all of the important stuff we’ve gleaned from a scant two minutes of footage, and there’s a lot of it! Jump down to the bottom to revisit the teaser trailer and its very-cool poster.

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A beautiful shot, presumably featuring Luke collapsing in sadness and horror next to his faithful companion R2-D2 in front of the ruins of his Jedi Temple. This, perhaps, is related to the vision that Rey had in the previous film, where Luke and R2 sat in front of a fire in solitude, and also related to that vision she had of Kylo and the Knights of Ren murdering others in the rain (though we will say that we think the Knights of Ren were actually hunting down information about Luke and slaughtering the members of the Church of the Force, not the Jedi pupils like some assumed).

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