Despite what you may have heard or read, the demise of the guitar-based rock band isn't a done deal yet. Bands such as Parquet Courts, Ty Segall, FIDLAR, and others still bow down to the fuzzed out, distorted six string god, and hallelujah! Count Meat Wave, who played Great Scott in Allston on Wednesday (February 15) among the disciples. If you haven't caught up to them yet, this Chicago trio drops their third record in a matter of hours, so be on the lookout for The Incessant if you need a dose of high adrenaline rock with little pretension on how it's delivered. Support at Great Scott was provided by locals Sneeze, who also are happy in the loud, fast, and fuzzed out world. If you think that a hybrid of Polvo and Hot Snakes is the sort of dish you could eat all night, relax that belt and pull up a chair.
Photo Gallery: Meat Wave and Sneeze, live at Great Scott in Allston