Undefeated: The 10 greatest fist fight scenes in cinema history

This Friday, Hollywood will be giving us the answer to the question every American’s had on their mind since 2004: Who would win in a fight between Charlie Day or Ice Cube? We tried to find a betting line for the big scuffle in Fist Fight, but it looks like Vegas isn’t putting their money on this one. Mickey, our local bookie, said "42-1 Cube" and he’d eat his shoe if we won.

To make Fist Fight a lot to live up to, we decided to make a list of the greatest fight scenes in film history, obeying only one rule -- no lead actor would be represented twice. Read through our list of film fisticuffs below, but be warned: Some spoilers may follow.

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Out for Justice

This is the best moment of Steven Seagal’s career. He’s never been tougher or more badass than in this particular Out For Justice scene, where he storms a deadbeat bar looking for information about a guy named Richie and gets into a little bit of trouble. Seagal wanders around the bar insulting and threatening people, and then gets challenged by a dude who thinks he’s only brave when he’s got a badge and a gun in his hand. Wrong hypothesis, dude. Seagal kicks ass with a pool ball (causing one of the goons to cough a handful of teeth onto the fucking pool table) and then fights a dude named “Sticks” with a goddamn cue. It’s not the longest or most elegant fight on this list, but it is an incredibly funny slice of ’90s action.

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