Undefeated: The 10 greatest fist fight scenes in cinema history

This Friday, Hollywood will be giving us the answer to the question every American’s had on their mind since 2004: Who would win in a fight between Charlie Day or Ice Cube? We tried to find a betting line for the big scuffle in Fist Fight, but it looks like Vegas isn’t putting their money on this one. Mickey, our local bookie, said "42-1 Cube" and he’d eat his shoe if we won.

To make Fist Fight a lot to live up to, we decided to make a list of the greatest fight scenes in film history, obeying only one rule -- no lead actor would be represented twice. Read through our list of film fisticuffs below, but be warned: Some spoilers may follow.

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Ip Man

This fictionalized biography of Yip Man, a grandmaster of the Wing Chun fighting style who would count Bruce Lee among his future proteges, was a huge crossover breakout for Donnie Yen, who you probably best know these days as Chirut from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. In this particular scene, Man fights 10 Japanese black belts after a fellow master and friend of his is murdered by the Japanese over a sack of rice. Up until this point in the film, Man’s been restrained in his usage of his fighting prowess, and it’s at this moment when he finally cuts loose on some motherfuckers. The choreography is brilliant, and Yen sells the rage that’s brought him to this point in both his acting and his fighting. Don’t cross Donnie Yen, dudes.

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