Undefeated: The 10 greatest fist fight scenes in cinema history

This Friday, Hollywood will be giving us the answer to the question every American’s had on their mind since 2004: Who would win in a fight between Charlie Day or Ice Cube? We tried to find a betting line for the big scuffle in Fist Fight, but it looks like Vegas isn’t putting their money on this one. Mickey, our local bookie, said "42-1 Cube" and he’d eat his shoe if we won.

To make Fist Fight a lot to live up to, we decided to make a list of the greatest fight scenes in film history, obeying only one rule -- no lead actor would be represented twice. Read through our list of film fisticuffs below, but be warned: Some spoilers may follow.

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Enter the Dragon

The height of the seventies Kung-Fu crazy, Enter the Dragon may have been the high water mark of Bruce Lee’s career, and the effect he’s had on the culture of action filmmaking around the world is immeasurable. Everyone and their mom has seen this movie and this scene, and its influence in American action films continues to be felt, even as recently as last weekend’s John Wick: Chapter 2 (read our review here). Baddie with claw for hand. Bruce Lee in the classic black pants, looking like a tiger’s scratched at him. Slow movement in a hall of mirrors. Do we really need to say any more?

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