Dangerous Toys: Terrible film adaptations that are nothing more than child’s play

This Friday (February 10) sees the release of The Lego Batman Movie and, much like its predecessor The Lego Movie, it’s both “certified fresh” and currently holding steady at 94 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. In honor of this massive achievement, we’d figured flip the script of positivity and make a list of the worst movies based on toy lines ever. If anything, it’ll show how far we’ve come in our toy line adaptations.

As you scan through the selections below, you might wonder where the The Care Bears and Garbage Pail Kids are, but we decided to stick to actual physical as opposed to those spun off of greeting card characters and trading cards. We had to draw the line somewhere, or the Ewoks would have wound up on this list. Sure enough, even when you exclude those disasterpieces, there’s still plenty of terrible to go around.

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Battleship [2012]

Damn, where to start with this one. We’d probably throw this one into the “interesting failure” category, and we’re not sure if this won’t become a camp classic 20 or 30 years down the road, but man, what a stupid idea for a movie. Director Peter Berg (Patriots Day) decided to take the classic board game and transform it into a story of survival in the face of an alien invasion in the middle of a bunch of naval war games. Taylor Kitsch continued his streak of flops (this came out right after John Carter and right before Savages) and pretty much killed his chances of ever appearing on the big screen as a leading man again, and Rihanna’s performance in the movie has been rightly torn to shreds by the hounds of the internet. Pretty much the only person to escape this movie unscathed was Liam Neeson, whose presence in this movie was (we think) the reason most of the tickets were sold for this movie in the first place. Berg’s hard on for the Navy poked all of the viewers in the eye, and obscured some of the fun aspects about this movie (the aliens shoot the pegs from the board game into the ships they attack) with the red, white and blue. And this movie would be on the list just for leaving out the “you sunk my battleship” line out of the mouths of its characters. In lieu of a trailer, here’s Peter Berg freaking out at an Israeli journalist when this movie was released.

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