Shellye Valauskas Experience’s gear stolen overnight in Beacon Hill after Cambridge gig

We’ve often reported on touring bands having their gear stolen in cities like St. Louis and Oakland, but over the weekend a significant haul of theft occurred overnight in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood. Connecticut quartet The Shellye Valauskas Experience were in Cambridge Saturday night (January 28) for a gig at the Plough & Stars, and awoke the next morning to find several pieces of their musical gear burglarized from their vehicle.

Shellye Valauskas’ brother, Boston producer Ed Valauskas of Q Division, posted the following note to Facebook yesterday:

“THEFT ALERT – My sister’s band, The Shellye Valauskas Experience, had their gear stolen last night after playing The Plough and Stars. One of the members was staying at a friend’s in Beacon Hill when it happened. PLEASE be on the lookout for the following and PLEASE spread the word if you could. Gear includes:

Hammond SK 1-73
Moog Mother 32
Arturia Microbrute
Peavey KB-100
2-tier keyboard stand
Red Vox AC15
Bag with cables, percussion and Shure SM57
Additional info:
Hammond in hard black rifle case
Moog and Microbrute mounted to wood shelf and inside trumpet case

Again – PLEASE share and be on the lookout! Thanks SO much!”

“A big giant thank you all so much for sharing the post about our bands stolen stuff in MA last night,” Shellye Valauskas wrote online. “Here are some photos and serial numbers if you should happen to see anything. You are all awesome. And a special shout out to Jennifer D’Angora and Ed Valauskas for helping us spread the word today. Love you guys so much.”

Take a look at photos of some of the missing gear below, via Google Drive.

The Shellye Valauskas Experience 5

The Shellye Valauskas Experience 3

The Shellye Valauskas Experience 4

The Shellye Valauskas Experience 1