New Sounds: Listen to Red Red Rockit’s timely cover of David Bowie’s ‘I’m Afraid Of Americans’

Ever since David Bowie died a year ago this month, more than a few bands have paid tribute with a cover or two. Here in Boston alone the list is lengthy, and while we love a modern take on a Starman classic, we do feel the gesture has run its course.

That is, however, unless the cover is of Bowie’s ’90s single “I’m Afraid Of Americans.” Because with Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day fast approaching, Boston trio Red Red Rockit are quick to remind us, fear in America is running a bit rampant.

“With how crazy and divisive the world has gotten recently, this song kept coming to mind,” guitarist Jared Egan says. “Bowie’s original arrangement was so dense with little parts and hooks, I must have listened to it over 100 times in one week. The Trent Reznor version is cool, but I prefer the original. I wanted to hear what a rock band’s take on this song would be, and to try and recreate a lot of the arrangement and noise with layered guitars. Plus that main riff is killer. Here’s our version and our nod to David Bowie. Enjoy.”

Catch Red Red Rockit live at the Plough & Stars in Cambridge this Thursday (January 19), where we’re sure they’ll play the cover if you ask nicely. Or scream in horror. Whichever route you take t get through the week.