Year In ReView: Vanyaland’s Top 25 songs of 2016

This was an odd year for music. As Vanyaland senior writer Daniel Brockman details in his annual Year In Pop roundup, the two-way highway of comings and goings produced a wealth of in-crisis pop, solemn rock, and schizophrenic hip-hop alongside a cruel abundance of iconic deaths and life-lessons from rock's dinosaur guard. And as this Vanyaland contributor list proves, it was another wildly eclectic and eccentric year of sound, proving that genre restriction is truly dead for those who still actually care. For our Top 25 Songs of 2016, we pitched and polled our writing staff about their favorite tracks of the year, then condensed each list for a composite ranking. Below are the results, with the song's nominator doing the honors of telling us why the song cracked the list in the first place. It may not be perfect, but it's ours, and it's worth more than just taking a Chance on.

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5. A Tribe Called Quest, “We The People….”

2016 showed America’s ugly side on numerous levels. When it came to either the electing of an orange turd named Donald Trump for President, arguing over the ethics of police brutality or the various issues of equality that effect our society on a daily basis, you had the ignorance of Americans shining as if they wore it as a badge of honor. There was also a lot of xenophobia and fear being shown in a lot of different ways this year. When A Tribe Called Quest released We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service just a few days after Election Day, they provided a thorough examination of today’s society while also paying tribute to the fallen Phife Dawg. “We The People….” is an honest look on how xenophobia played a big role in the current viewpoint of America, and reminds us that despite our differences, we’re all sitting here eating ramen noodles together. A throwback hip-hop banger with a modern feel, “We The People….” is simply one of the most important songs to come out in a crazy year full of friction.

— Rob Duguay

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