Editor's Note: We're barely awake after last night's marathon Boston Music Awards at the House of Blues. The six-hour awards party saw more than 30 pieces of (literal) hardware handed out, including three award batons to PVRIS and the Ballroom Thieves and a proper deuce to Cousin Stizz. We've already wrapped up the winner's list, so now let's take our gaze to the dozen performances, including action shots of the Hotelier, Sadie Dupuis, the Ballroom Thieves, Air Traffic Controller, Michael Christmas, Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys, Julie Rhodes, Contact, Bearstronaut, and host Lamont Price. Vanyaland's Cara DiFabio was al over the room to capture the snaps, and you view her full gallery below. Featured image up top of the Thieves' Calin Peters.
Photo Gallery: Scene in action, the 2016 Boston Music Awards at the House of Blues