Introducing Vanyaland’s newest community function, V:Com

In addition to the expanded coverage described earlier this morning by this new and improved Vanyaland, one of the new elements of the website we are especially excited about is V:Com.

“V:Com” is short for Vanyaland Community, and it’s designed as a place where organizations, institutions, and/or people can submit their press releases, notices, and other information that will help serve and enrich the Vanyaland community.

We get many notices and announcements here at Vanyaland, and we want to be able to reflect everything that is going on in Boston. And let’s face it — sometimes, a press release does the trick in getting proper word out. No need for a fancy, pun-drunk headline or re-written lede.

With that in mind, we here at Vanyaland reserve the right to not publish anything that comes our way, and we will be selective in what makes it up on V:Com. Berklee College of Music announcing a new opera program in Spain seems right up our alley; you calling out your drummer for missing practice is not.

So roll with us for a bit, and let’s see if we can create a new section of Vanyaland that furthers our overarching goal of keeping people informed.

Submit your V:Com news to us at, and include an image. We’ll try to get to everything, and if we dig what you’re pushing, we’ll get it posted on the site in its designated section.

And sorry about your drummer.