Halloween 2016: Five parties around Boston this weekend to scare off the ghosts of boredom

Like a college kid celebrating a birthday, we just don't have one Halloween night this year, we have four. Starting tonight and running through Monday, the Boston area is flush with solid Halloween party spooktaculars, ranging from the usual cover shows to haunted house happenings to the bi-annual ManRay gathering (which is its own franchise at this point in Boston's chilly alternative nightlife game). It's impossible to capture everything that's going on, but below are Vanyaland's picks for what to do around town, particularly on a stacked-deck Saturday. There's enough happening to wear that Eleven or Harley Quinn or Sexy Ken Bone costume several times over, and don't forget, whatever happens this weekend, it's only for fun. The real horror arrives November 8, so get in the good times while you can.

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October 29 to 31: Ballroom of Horror at Once

Somerville’s newest music venue and the host of the Rock and Roll Rumble is taking a different approach to Halloween this year, skipping the standard costume and covers parties for an entire weekend of haunted houses and devilish scares. An extension of similar events previously at the nearby Armory, Once’s Ballroom Of Horror transforms into a ghoulish destination that includes Matthew Martino’s Maze of Terror with live performances and a special Halloween-themed menu from Cuisine En Locale. On Sunday, families are welcome from 4 to 6 p.m., and come Monday night — you know, actual Halloween — the Boston Music Award-nominated Once hosts “Horror Punk Night” with Garbage Point, Damnation, and Lon Chaney, Jr. There’s a lot going on here, so hit the Facebook event link and scan the goods for individual day happenings.

156 Highland Ave in Somerville :: 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Saturday through Monday :: Individual day tickets are $14 in advance and $17 at the door :: Facebook event page :: Advance tickets and more info


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