Someone better alert the Patriot Ledger, because a music video was just filmed down in scenic Pembroke, Massachusetts. It comes from Massachusetts guitar-rock quartet Something Sneaky, who have given the title track to their 2015 LP Pictures the video treatment, and it’s as South Shore as you can get without leaning on any of the stereotypes.
The video, directed and edited by Cal Ciarcia and with Kyler Schelling of Atomic Beard Productions serving as director of photography, is being premiered this morning via Vanyaland.
It has everything you really need in a video, from turtlenecks and kittens to a vintage recollection of the times we all went to Sears with our parents for some ill-advised family portraits. Watch it below.
“The video concept is a play on the song title,” Something Sneaky write, “and features the band (Justin Iacovino, Chris Casserly, Jesse George, and Jeremy Iacovino), joined by our fictional mom and dad, as we struggle to take a family photo that is very important to our ‘parents.’ We wanted to do a plot-based video that was funny and dark.”
The video was shot in one day on the South Shore, where the band is from originally and where they still practice. “We are fortunate to have friends and family who were willing to give up an entire day to dress up like morons and act,” they add. “Our friends Matt Rocco (drummer of the Way Ways) and Cashel O’Sullivan play the flamboyant family portrait photographers. Justin and Jeremy’s older brother, Kyle, plays the frustrated ‘dad’ who has an unfortunate health issue and abrupt death on the way to the shoot. Cara Folino plays the determined ‘mom’ who refuses to let anything get in the way of the family photo.”
It certainly brings back memories from our youth. Revisit your awkward childhood below, and catch Something Sneaky as they play the Middle East in Cambridge on November 19, a benefit for the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts in memory of the band’s close friend Jerry Collins, who passed away in September. Details in the link and flyer below.