Look At Those Cavemen Go: David Bowie memorial plaque destroyed by vandals in Germany

Breaking news from our “Oh what the fuck?!” department — a porcelain David Bowie memorial plaque in Germany has been destroyed by unknown assholes.

Consequence of Sound reports that the memorial was put in place last month by the city of Berlin to mark a residence Bowie shared with Iggy Pop in the ’70s. Unfortunately, it did not take long for it to be shattered by vandals.

Luckily, the company that created the plaque had made multiple copies in the event of something unfortunate happening.

The plaque is displayed in the Schöneberg district of Berlin, and states: “In this house lived from 1976 to 1978 David Bowie 8.1.1847 – 10.1.2016. In this time arose the albums Low, Heroes, and Lodger. They go by the Berlin Trilogy in the history of music.” The plaque concludes with a lyric (“We can be heroes, just for one day”) from “Heroes”.

Police are currently investigating.