Photo Gallery: Young The Giant and Ra Ra Riot live at the House of Blues in Boston

Sometimes, Lansdowne Street on a Sunday night is a ghost town. Other times, like last night, the Red Sox are playing the Yankees in a meaningful September showdown at Fenway Park, there's a jam-packed rock show next door at House of Blues, and the whole area is a mad house. Since everyone has probably seen the baseball game's highlights by now, we're offering up a look inside the concert hall, where Young The Giant and Ra Ra Riot did what they do best -- thrill a capacity crowd. The House of Blues was hot and sweaty, but as Young The Giant frontman Sameer Gadhia said, rock shows are supposed to be hot and sweaty. The band is in town promoting their recent album, last month's Home Of The Strange, and we can't help but be pleased with Ra Ra Riot bassist Mathieu Santos' decision to rock the throwback Bruins jersey. Boston is a sports town, Boston is a rock town, Boston is our town. Check out Matthew Shelter's full gallery of both bands, for Vanyaland, below.

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