Hello, It’s T: The MBTA says Adele is not playing a free show at Quincy Station

Fake Facebook events have been a thing over the past several months, but very few people take them seriously. While there’s temptation to believe Limp Bizkit might actually be playing at a KFC in Des Moines or that Staind have decided to rock the Wendy’s in Woburn, it’s hard to believe many folks — despite their massive RSVP numbers on the event page — will actually roll up to these unsuspecting places. Even if Puddle of Mudd are said to be doing a special acoustic performance.

The MBTA, however, is taking no chances.

A Facebook event page that promises a free one-two punch of Adele and Train performing live at the Quincy Center MBTA Station on Wednesday evening has been shot down by T authorities. Perhaps it’s the 323 people “going,” or the 631 who are “interested.”

Either way, no one will be rolling in the deep down in the southern trenches of the Red Line.

And that’s a damn shame.

Adele is performing two nights at TD Garden this week, tomorrow and Thursday. According to her homepage, both nights are sold out.