Press Paws: Kate Diaz plays an abandoned bear cage for the latest Live From Nowhere session

We’re continuously smitten with Live From Nowhere.

The live video series from co-producers Emily Graham-Handley and Nico Rivers takes New England artists out of the clubs and pubs and positions them against a natural backdrop far out in an abandoned locale, and we’ve already spilled digital ink all over recent sessions with Bent Knee and American Echoes.

This week, Live From Nowhere returns with Chicago-born, Boston-based singer-songwriter Kate Diaz, who we first partied with us back at our October 2014 CMJ showcase with Berklee College of Music. But far from the human cages of New York City, Diaz’ Live From Nowhere session for her song “Cameo” takes place in a nearby zoo’s abandoned bear cage.

“Emily had shown me an old black-and-white photo of what the abandoned zoo location used to look like,” Diaz says. “So I chose a song of mine called ‘Cameo,’ which reflects on how things that may seem permanent at a certain time don’t always last forever. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I had a blast. I thought it was so perfect for the video series that the weathered cement carving behind me had two bears holding up a crest of Boston. I think that the series is a great idea given that Boston has so many places that are hidden gems.”

Adds Graham-Handley about the location: “Nothing has happened with the cages since they shut down, except nature and people stripping them away. Which ended up being weirdly on-point with the theme of Kate’s song.”

Check out the video below, and mark your calendars: The Live From Nowhere sessions release show goes down September 22 in the former Davis Square Theatre space, which by then will be re-christed as The Rockwell. Diaz will perform live along, with Latrell James and Live From Nowhere notables Bent Knee, American Echoes.