Photo Gallery: Scenes from the latest Pool Series event deep in the heart of the Fenway

Editor's Note: Summer is in full burn, and this week's swandive into the Verb Hotel's cooling tank marks both the midway point of the season and our ongoing Pool Series. This past Tuesday, we gathered on the deck for a make-up session from the rainy weekend prior, enlisting the Yacht Rock stylings of DJ Cap'n Ken and the delicious libations of Troublemaker Red Blend, and LaCroix Sparkling Water. Our partners at Boston Magazine provided the reading material (sweet Big Papi send off!), Hojoko added extra treats, the Verb cast a colorful backdrop for our first evening event in the Fenway. Below are a few quick snaps of the action from Vanyaland's Lauren Piandes; stay tuned for a coming announcement on the next one (we'll all do a proper rain dance together).

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