This weekend’s Augtoberfest at Foolproof Brewing Company combines libations with vibrations

The dog days of summer can be a drag. In New England, the humidity can be as obnoxious as that little kid who likes to throw rocks at passing cars. The sun is scorching so bad that people are walking around with tans that make them look like the physical incarnation of a stale BBQ potato chip. What should a person do to pass the time in such misery? Drinking delicious beer and enjoying live music would be a good idea.

This Saturday (August 6), Foolproof Brewing Company in Pawtucket are putting on their fourth annual Augtoberfest, a spectacular festival that takes place at their brewery on 241 Grotto Ave.

Hosted in partnership with the Pawtucket Foundation, the event features two sessions, the first from 1:30 to 4 p.m. and then from 5 to 8 p.m. To go with the libations there will be vibrations courtesy of alt-grunge act Sgt. Baker & The Clones, funk rock masters Daddie Long Legs, and the groovy horns of The Kickin' Brass Band. There are a variety of priced tickets depending on how much people want to drink and there will also be the opportunity to take a glass stein home as a parting gift.

For people looking to get a head start, there will be an Augtoberfest Eve Beer Hall Night going on the night before at the brewery at 5 p.m. The neo-post-syncretics of Nate Cozzolino will be present and his acoustic melodies will be flowing. Sounds like a great way to get through the dog days, right? It's a prime opportunity to enjoy beer from one of the finest craft breweries in Rhode Island along with being surrounded by contagiously good vibes. Preview some tunes below.

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