Under The Cover: Betty Who welcomes a warm embrace in video for ‘I Love You Always Forever’

Twenty years ago, the ubiquitous “Macarena” landed in the top spot in Billboard’s Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1996. But we all know the song that captured hearts and minds of lovers and would-be lovers around the world over, and that would be Donna Lewis’ pure-joy heart-kissed ballad “I Love You Always Forever”, a song that to this day never gets turned off when it comes on the car’s FM radio.

Earlier this month, Australian alt-pop wiz Betty Who released a cover of the track, and today, the 24-year-old Berklee College of Music graduate (Class of ’13) has provided the video, a sensual turn that matches the song’s wondrously delicate tone.

The video, directed by Ben Cope and Daniel Gomes, was premiered this morning at Vogue.

“I wanted to make a video that was like a soft moment and basically love people around me and explore that in a way,” Betty Who tells Vogue.com. “That to me is what the song is about—loving someone unconditionally no matter what, and exploring the idea that love is unconditional no matter who you’re loving, whether it’s your dog or your mother or your best friend or boyfriend or girlfriend or husband.”

With the follow-up to 2014’s breakout LP Take Me When You Go without any real release schedule, this will have to tide us over. Maybe we’ll be singing along to it in the car come 2036.