American Echoes perform in an abandoned rail tunnel for the latest Live From Nowhere session

A few weeks ago we hyped a live video from Bent Knee, shot deep in the woods of New England on a cold winter day. It was one of the first sessions from Live From Nowhere, led by a local filmmaking duo who have been taking bands out in non-traditional landscapes and spaces and recording their raw energy and talents for a look far different than the usual rock club shots.

Next up for Live From Nowhere is today’s session with Boston folk duo American Echoes, who take the magnetism of their recent single “Diddle” and cast it against the backdrop of an abandoned railway tunnel somewhere in the distant lost acres of Massachusetts. Live from Nowhere first saw the band performing at last year’s Cambridge River Arts Festival, co-creator Emily Graham-Handley recognized the sister duo of Laura and Nina Ganci as being from her hometown in Connecticut.

Live From Nowhere and American Echoes soon teamed up for the shoot, and, much like the Bent Knee clip, the backdrop takes on as much life as the performance itself. The stillness of the location cradles the song as it moves along.

“What I didn’t anticipate was the pitch black tunnel that lay between the civilized world and the location for the shoot. It went on for what felt like days,” says Laura Ganci in the video description. “The space opened up into a beautiful, quiet, autumn pallet that felt like it existed only for us. We sang to the trees and to the frogs and to sporadic wind while leaves delicately danced to the ground where they would decompose until snow fell. It was magical.”

Adds her sister, Nina Ganci: “It only took us a couple takes. This was probably the easiest video I’ve ever made. I feel it really captures the essence of our music. I’m so grateful for our friends who show up and give our music a truly beautiful visual.”

Watch it below, and click here for more Live From Nowhere videos…