Delicious: Celebrate America with Andrew W.K.’s new improvisational song about pizza

We realize most everyone around the good ol’ U. S. of A. will spend the afternoon grilling and chilling. But on this Fourth of July, kindly make room for those burgers, dogs, and wings for some true patriotic pizza delicacy, served up by the free-est motherfucker in all the land, Andrew W.K.

The unabashed pizza lover stars in a new episode of the Tastemade original series “All The Pizza”, and after chowing down on some of Chicago’s finest deep-dish slices (we’ll look the other way on that one), busts out a tasty improvisational jam. It comes complete with his very own pizza-shaped guitar.

“I like my pizza topped with butter and cheese,” Sir W.K. sings with the Tastemade host. “And a little milk if you please… Pizza paradise!”

Watch it below. And go America.