Lotta Nekkids: The internet loses its mind over Kanye West’s instantly-infamous ‘Famous’ video

Kanye West has premiered his new video for “Famous”. And it’s already infamous.

The video was shown twice at a live screening event at the Forum in Los Angeles tonight, and its streaming on Tidal. Though it’s not yet available in full online, screen grabs and other tidbits about the clip have surfaced on the internet, and people are losing their shit.

“Famous” is the latest single from West’s album The Life of Pablo, and the video shows several celebrities naked in bed, in what appears to be one giant post-orgy slumber. Included in the bed are Taylor Swift, Caitlyn Jenner, Donald Trump, Rihanna, Bill Cosby, Ray J, and others. West and Kim Kardashian are at the center of it all.

Of course, those people don’t actually appear in the video. Some have said the figures are wax statues or dolls, others suggest they are look-a-like models. Either way, they seem pretty realistic.

It’s just after midnight on the East Coast, and so far none of the “celebs” included have commented publicly on it. Get ur popcorn ready!

Here are some looks while we toss the Pop Secret in the ol’ microwave:

And the reaction so far on Friday night: