Savoir Fave: This Twitter account only tweets lyrics to Suede’s 1999 song ‘Head Music’

Twitter is great for many things, like fueling revolutions, Hillary Vs Bernie memes, and following exes without being too obnoxious about it. This month, it has also provided another valuable service, though it’s one we never knew we actually needed: Reminding us of all the lyrics to the title track from Suede’s 1999 LP, Head Music.

Yes, @musicinstead is a Twitter account that only tweets out the lyrics to “Head Music.” The account launched on May 9, and it’s still going strong. As of press time, its last tweet arrived 55 minutes ago, delivering the unforgettable line “You know, of cos it’s all in the mind.”

We have no idea who created this, or, better yet, why he or she created this. And selecting “Head Music”, the song, is an odd choice; it’s maybe the 80th greatest Suede song ever, and no better than the 8th best track on Head Music (of 13), Suede’s 6th best album of all time (of seven). It’s a musically bizarre pop song, and contains Brett Anderson’s most cringe-worthy lyrical line in “Give me head, give me head, give me head music instead.” So, well, yeah, we may have just answered our own question there.

Since Suede still refuse to tour the United States, shit like this is all we have. Well, that and Night Thoughts.

And here’s the song, in case you want to sing along.