Singer of The Story So Far aggressively dropkicks a girl off the stage for taking a selfie

A female fan was dropkicked off the stage during a The Story So Far show in Toronto.

The incident happened on Sunday night (April 10), when the California pop-punk band was playing the Mod Club. Around the :35 second mark in the video below, singer Parker Cannon is seen aggressively dropkicking the fan from behind before launching into closing song “High Regard”. The fan appears to have been taking a selfie, and takes a violent spill back into the crowd, her head snapping back from the force to her back. Other fans, mostly men, also crash the stage during the song, but aren’t interfered with.

Vice has more on the situation, as well as details of Cannon pulling the same maneuver on a male fan in Houston. People have started to post the video to The Story So Far’s Facebook page; we’ll update this post if the band or Cannon make a statement. They played Burlington, Vermont, last week, apparently without incident.