Editor's Note: It's a good thing we had that Day Of Rest on Wednesday, because a full tank was necessary for last night's Rock And Roll Rumble preliminary Night 4 at Once in Somerville. The night was won by Abbie Barrett, who combined electric guitar-pop originals (see "Take It In Stride") with a rocked-out cover of Sia's "Chandelier", besting efforts by 21st Century Fugitives (who impressed with their own material and a cover of a lost La Peste jam), I Was Awake, and Johnny Blazes And The Pretty Boys. Read our full recap and video post here, and take a look at the scenes via the photo gallery below, shot by Matthew Shelter for Vanyaland. The Rumble continues with Night 5 tonight, get all the info here.
In Music
Photo Gallery: Rumble Night 4 with 21st Century Fugitives, Abbie Barrett, I Was Awake, Johnny Blazes & the Pretty Boys