Animal Magnetism: Lovepop teams with Keytar Bear for personalized Valentine visits

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Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and there's no one you have to impress more than your loved one's co-workers. Luckily, Cambridge-based 3D greeting card company Lovepop is providing something a bit cooler than the standard dozen roses delivered straight to the cubicle. On Friday, February 12 (we don't have to remind you that Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday this year), they are delivering the one and only Keytar Bear.

Because here in Boston, nothing says love more than a man in a bear suit playing Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" on a Keytar. That's just how we roll.

"You tell us who you'd love to shower with Valentine's Day ridiculousness and we'll handle the rest," writes Lovepop. "Nominate the person in your life who earned a special Lovepop this year. If he or she is in the downtown Boston area, there’s a pretty good chance we’ll show up with a spectacle in tow. Who wouldn't love to be serenaded by the smooth sounds of Boston's finest while being gifted with the coolest paper art you've ever seen?"

As BostInno notes, Lovepop, which in December scored a $300,000 deal on ABC's Shark Tank, is only looking to make about 20 visits next Friday during normal business hours. So there's a nomination process, and you can put in a bid here.

"At Lovepop, we say: celebrate anyone who deserves it," the Cambridge company urges.
"Be unexpected. And don’t send an ordinary drugstore card. Do something awesome. Maybe you do have a kickass boyfriend or wife who should get a special something-something. Lucky you! We’ll help you tell them how much you care."

Check out some of Keytar Bear's greatest hits below, including his full set from a fundraising party at the Middle East, his street collaboration with Guster, and a medley from the 2014 Boston Music Awards.

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