Early Week Psych-ology: Matthew Stubbs unveils Downbeat Mondays series at Plough & Stars

Now that we’re midway through the Dazies’ excellent Thursday night residency at the Plough & Stars, the Cambridge bar is lining up some interesting sonic treats for those out and about earlier in the week.

This week the Plough launched its new Downbeat Mondays series, a weekly live music showcase with the Matthew Stubbs’ the Antiguas, based around a sound of throwback soul and “garage twang.” There’ll be vintage and psychedelic visuals projected around the room, and the bar is on board with a cocktail menu specifically crafted each week by Plough mixologist Sarah Jane Mulcrone

In addition to Stubbs, the locally based guitarist who plays with acclaimed blues artist Charlie Musselwhite, the Antiguas also feature Ken Clark on Farfisa organ, bassist Marc Hickox, Chris Rivelli on drums, and Dave Fox and Chris Anzalone on percussion.

“We are looking forward to having spot each week to perform all our new tunes and its great having a platform to present it exactly how we want,” says Stubbs. “Super dark, moody room with vintage psychedelic projections. I really think the band has a super unique sound that is unlike anything going on in the city these days. Its totally instrumental, big verbed-out twang guitar with distorted farfisa organ and heavy percussion.”

There’s no cover for each night of the Downbeat series, and music gets started around 10 p.m.