Modern Loves: Selecting a favorite David Bowie song is often a personal matter

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“In the Heat of the Morning”, The World of David Bowie, 1970

Kayley Kravitz

I’ve got the Last Shadow Puppets to thank for introducing me to this song. It’s a piece of pure ’60s pop goodness with one hell of a strong chorus. First recorded for the BBC in 1967, “In the Heat of the Morning” saw Bowie exploring a more radio-friendly sound. It’s a far cry from his later work, but it still retains a melody that is uniquely his. Bowie reinvented himself so many times over the course of his career, never limiting himself to a particular sound. “In the Heat of the Morning” is just one of many songs in his back catalog that showcases how the man could perform in just about any style and still sound amazing.

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