Thin White Dork: Is this the worst photo of David Bowie ever taken?

As the world readies for this Friday’s release of David Bowie’s latest album, Blackstar, there’s been universal praise heaped on the music icon. And rightfully so, Bowie remains relevant after several decades of brilliance. And the man is devastatingly photogenic — even as he turns a ripe old age of 69 on Blackstar’s release day.

In pretty much every photo even taken of Sir David Bowie, the Thin White Duke oozes an unmatched cool. But the internet thinks it found perhaps “Probably the worst photo of David Bowie ever taken,” as tweeted by Danny Baker. The image is from Bowie’s early days in the ’60s, said to be from the Three Tuns in Beckenham High Street, and can be spotted in this Guardian UK piece about his solo album’s 2010 reissue.

Responses have come in, and they aren’t pretty: “Looks like Leo Sayers deranged younger brother crossed with Ronald McDonald”… “looks like my auntie Sheila circa 1970..!!” … “Looks like a teenage Charlie Chuck”…

Judge for yourself. And if you want to prop the man back up, and feel kinda shitty about yourself, check out the inspiring-slash-depressing What Did David Bowie Do At Your Age.