Road Tripping: Black Beach and Midriffs announce East Coast winter tour

With the holidaze over and winter finally here, most people in New England now turn their attention to daydreams of escaping our frigid region and enjoying somewhere a bit warmer. Two Massachusetts garage rock bands are getting a jump on us all.

Middleboro’s Black Beach this morning announced a 12-date East Coast tour that kicks off tomorrow night (January 6) in Raleigh, North Carolina. The fuzzed out rock band is teaming up with Boston’s Midriffs for the noisy ride along the Atlantic, and after stops in Miami, Atlanta, Nashville, New Orleans, and elsewhere, the coastal trek wraps up with a January 19 homecoming show at Great Scott in Allston with Earthquake Party and Lady Pills.

“We’ll be hitting the road Tuesday with our friends Midriffs to head down south for the winter,” says Black Beach bassist Ben Semeta, the person behind last year’s excellent House Of The Rising Fuzz compilation. “This is our longest run, first time to almost all these cities, and we are excited to share the road with them. We are bringing Andrew Gibson, the man behind the Nice Guys and Midriffs music videos, as a photographer.”

Listen to Black Beach and Midriffs below, and check out the full dates and list of cities via the tour flyer. Hit up either band on social media, or search for each show’s Facebook event page, to learn the exact location of each stop.


Black Beach Home Flyer