1991 Forever: 25 classic alternative rock albums turning 25 in 2016

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Chapterhouse, Whirlpool

These days, you get the sense that Chapterhouse had the misfortune of reuniting too soon — their 2010 tour of the United States came just before everyone jumped on the Shoegaze Nostalgia Party Wagon. Bands like Lush, My Bloody Valentine, and Slowdive have all cashed in on the fame that eluded them in the early ’90s, but Chapterhouse remain obscured. And that’s a damn shame, because the beautiful, effortless, baggy-grooved “Pearl,” included here on Whirlpool, is rivaled only by Ride’s “Vapour Trail” as the greatest shoegaze song of all time.

Released: June 25, 1991


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