Press Eject: Watch City And Colour perform an ‘asshole extraction’ last night in Boston

A quick Sunday morning note to all people attending a rock show: Unless it’s this guy up there, don’t throw drinks towards the stage.

Someone at last night’s City And Colour show at the House of Blues in Boston inexplicably missed the memo, and got tossed from the venue — but not without some grade-a ass-chewing from Dallas Green.

The drink-tossing incident wasn’t caught on camera, but Green’s reaction certainly was. In the video below, Green stopped the show to call out the Boston audience. “You’re throwing drinks up on the stage? Is that what you’re doing? Yeah? The one crowd of the tour that throws a drink up onto the fucking stage? Interesting. C’mon, kids.”

After the crowd was pretty much like “Dude, it wasn’t all of us, it was that guy, over there,” Green narrowed his focus to the lone offender, who the crowd was very happy to point out.

“Get the fuck out of here, man,” Green tells the guy. “And don’t fucking hit a girl either… I’ll give you your money back, too… you can have a free t-shirt on your way out, too, you fucking idiot. OK, so now that we’re through with this asshole, lemme say something and I’ll say it because I got the microphone. Nobody in here is better or more important than anyone else that’s including me, including anybody here [motions toward the stage] so don’t fucking ruin it for the person beside you. Alright? You wanna be an asshole, go outside and be an asshole by yourself. OK? And you can wait out there and we will come outside and talk to you afterwards. But don’t ruin the fucking show for other people.”


Watch the full clip below, which YouTube user MsCrumbles adequately describes as an “asshole extraction.”