Is It She You’re Looking For?: Adele returns with dramatic new single ‘Hello’

Oh hey, Adele, welcome back. We missed you.

Earlier this week, the British soul chanteuse announced her first record in five years, titled 25 and out November 20. When you’ve been gone for half a decade — a damn-near eternity in pop music years — you’re allowed a fair bit of reintroduction, and that’s what Adele does on the record’s powerful first single, “Hello.” Listen to it via the track’s sepia-toned video below.

“Hello from the outside,” Adele sings in the dramatic ballad. “At least I can say that I’ve tried to tell you I’m sorry, for breaking your heart. But it don’t matter, it clearly doesn’t tear you apart anymore.”

Damn girl. How many times will those lines be texted among ex-lovers this weekend?

According to press statements this week about the new album, Adele is taking back control in her life. Or those lyrics could be her telling us to piss off and stop getting hung up on the down time between records. If only we had that sort of patience for the Stone Roses. “I’m making up with myself,” she says of 25, via Slate. “Making up for lost time. Making up for everything I ever did and never did.”
