Gulp Fiction: Allow San Francisco’s John Travoltage to become your new favorite band

Hey remember when you first heard the name “Ringo Deathstarr” and you were all like “Oh that’s funny ha ha what a band name derp derp” and then you actually heard them and it blew you away and suddenly you cared more about the music than the name and the name immediately became an afterthought?

Yeah, that ruled. What a day.

Well here comes John Travoltage of San Francisco, and “Oh that’s funny ha ha what a band name derp derp.” We got that out of the way early, because the band’s summer single “Buckskin” is hitting a sweet spot for us this morning, especially after all those Hüsker Dü reunion posts. And with the indie-punk dudes’ new EP, Done To Death, out on Tuesday, with a record release party October 23 at Eli’s Mile High Club in Oakland, we figured we’d show them some East Coast love.

John Travoltage tell Vanyaland they have a bunch of news and announcements set for release in the coming weeks, but for today let’s just take a moment to digest the blitzing bliss of “Buckskin.” Check out the video below, as well as release party details on the flyer down south.

John Travoltage Flyer