Re-Using My Edge: LCD Soundsystem will reportedly reunite and play festivals next year

UPDATE 5:23 p.m. EST: Or not. We’ll see.

UPDATE 6:49 p.m. EST: Luke O’Neil gets to the bottom of this for the Village Voice. For now.

LCD Soundsystem said goodbye way back in 2011, which is a damn near eternity for life in the 2010s. Five years after James Murphy’s New York crew peaced out, word on the digital streets this afternoon is that a reunion is underway.

Consequence of Sound is citing “multiple sources” that tell the UK publication that LCD will reform for 2016. Let’s just go ahead let them tell this tale in their own words:

Now, though, it appears Murphy has decided to get the band back together one more time. Multiple sources have confirmed to Consequence of Sound that LCD Soundsystem are planning a comeback in 2016. As we hear it, the band will headline at least three high-profile music festivals in the US and UK, with an official announcement expected soon.

Well alright! There’s no word just yet from Camp LCD or DFA Records, though the label apparently re-tweeted the CoS link, which seems to have been un-re-tweeded. Either way, feels like Coachella is a lock if this happens, and there could be a nice home turf bidding war between Governors Ball and that new Coachella East music fest planned for New York City next summer. And I can has Boston Calling, as well?

We’ll see.

Watch video from LCD Soundsystem’s farewell blowout at Madison Square Garden below, which was pretty much the only good thing to happen at that barn in several decades…