October Fire: Macabre, dark art, and surrealism on display at Eridanos’ Black Mass exhibit

October is the month where the days start to get dark early, and things will feel especially blackened this weekend in Cambridge. Celebrating its two-year anniversary, Eridanos tattoo studio and contemporary fine art gallery on Prospect Street is unveiling its Black Mass exhibit with an opening reception tomorrow night (Saturday, October 3) at 8 p.m.

A collective installation unifies tattooers, painters, and illustrators in “showcasing a variety of multimedia artists all over America with a flare for the macabre, dark art and surrealism,” the event also features the work of several area musicians, including members of Ascend/Descend (Michelle Dugan), The Darker Hues (Joseph Thompson), Backstabbers Inc. (Mark Blanchard), Victory At Sea* (Dave Norton), Ian Adams (Z*L), and several others. [*Side Note: We’ll take any opportunity we can to pay respect to one of this writer’s most favorite songs to ever come out of Boston, Victory At Sea’s “Bored Otherwise”.]

Beverages at Black Mass will be provided by Dos Equis and light refreshments will be provided. The exhibit runs until December, and Whitey Bulger is not on the invite list.

More information and participants on the flyer below…

Black Mass