This Is A Call: Sign a petition for Dave Grohl to host ‘Saturday Night Live’

Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters didn’t appear at the Emmys earlier this week, despite being recognized for documentary series Sonic Highways. But fans are speaking out to ensure Grohl and the boys have another place on television: Saturday Night Live.

An online petition to get Grohl to host SNL and have the Foo Fighters perform live is starting to gain traction. And one radio station is already supporting it. “Give Timberlake a break!” says XL102 in Richmond. “Hire Grohl!”

Here’s the word from the petition, which is approaching 2,000 signatures after about a week of activity…

This as a petition to generate awareness to Lorne Michaels and the executives at NBC and Saturday Night Live so they know that the fans (Grohlies) want Dave Grohl to host SNL with musical guest (Foo Fighters)

There have been may musicians who have hosted SNL over the years, however Dave Grohl is the only one to appear on the show over 12 times and frequent in sketches, but never host!

Let’s spread the word and make this happen, this year!

The campaign has also created a twitter profile (@davegrohlonsnl) and there is a Facebook page.