Love So Pure: Thrushes conquer slowly with the swirling beauty of ‘Joan of Arc’

Baltimore shoegazing noise-pop quartet Thrushes release their new record Exposing Seas today, their first in five years, and we’re excited to hear the entire thing. The only problem is, we can’t stop listening to one song in particular: the swirling, yearning single “Joan Of Arc.”

The brilliant track comes this morning with a new video, and you can watch that below.

Meanwhile Exposing Seas, which was recorded and mixed at Maryland’s Magpie Cage Studio by J. Robbins (Jawbox, Burning Airlines), finds the band creating atmospheric soundscapes that add another depth and emotion to modern shoegaze. “Joan Of Arc” glides along at a perfect pace, and finds itself (and its translucent beauty) within its own crescendos along the way. It bodes well for the rest of the new LP, issued on Florida’s New Granada Records.

Exposing Seas is an album that shows our growth as a band,” says singer Anna Conner. “We worked so hard over the past few years to create songs that were larger and louder than before without losing the ethereal mood (of the band’s previous work)… a lot of the songs have a dark feel, or a hint of longing. I guess that’s just where I end up when I write even if the words aren’t autobiographical.” 

Thrushes release Exposing Seas tomorrow night at The Metro Gallery in Baltimore, then play Tampa’s New World Brewery on October 10. Let’s hope for some Northeast and New England shows soon; or maybe there’s still time for them to jump on a few upcoming RIDE shows across the States.

Listen to and watch “Joan Of Arc” below…

Thrushes Seas