‘Like Thompson Twins at the beach’: Dom shows off ‘Champagne Blues’, readies new album

Hold on there summer, don’t slip away just yet. Massachusetts native Dom, who sparkled his way into our hearts many moons ago with beautiful electro-pop jams like “Living In America” and “Burn Bridges”, is back with a new song that makes us want to head straight for a midnight bonfire on the beach.

The new track is called “Champagne Blues,” it’s released under his familiar name and not Kiss 108 (which he was going by last time we checked in), and it was just premiered by Stereogum this morning.

The glowing new jam — which brings us back to those 2010-ish glory days — is apparently the first taste of a new Dom album, titled Sweet & Sour, which he describes as “like Thompson Twins at the beach.” Hold us now and fire it up below via the dude’s Soundcloud page. More info on Sweet & Sour, you know, as it becomes available…