Look At This Graph: New study suggests Maine should be ashamed of its Nickelback searches

Back in April, AccuRadio released a survey that suggested that the six New England states hated Canadian rock band Nickelback more than anyone else in the country. With one notable exception: Maine.

The northern state came in as “neutral” when it came to hating Nickelback, and many chalked it up to their proximity to Canada. Now, another informal study, this time by home-search app Estately, suggests that the Pine Tree State should be ashamed of how often it searches for Nickelback lyrics.

“Mapping Each State’s Most Embarassing [sic] Google Searches,” released last week, and presented here via CT Boom, breaks down all the cringe-worthy searches from our 50 states. It doesn’t reveal how often these terms are searched, just that they show up enough and are embarrassing regardless of volume. We’ll just have to trust them on this, and use it for entertainment purposes only. Here in Massachusetts, we’re fixated on Deflategate, Donald Trump, and Grown Ups 2. Two out of three check out.

Roll your eyes over the full map below, but here are the standouts from New England. We might need to have a talk with Connecticut. Uhh, and Vermont, as it turns out…

CONNECTICUT: Internet addiction / Jerry Springer / Spin Doctors (band) / Crazy Town (band)
MAINE: Nickelback lyrics / Good Charlotte / disc golf
MASSACHUSETTS: Donald Trump president / “Grown Ups 2″ (2013 movie) / deflated balls
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Pajama jeans
RHODE ISLAND: Average penis size / Dane Cook / Curt Schilling
VERMONT: Four Loko / juggling / age of consent

And a look across the land. Sup, Missouri, you’re taking that whole “Show Me State” idea to nasty levels…
