Shoo Gazer: Watch Donald Trump nod along to some My Bloody Valentine, because internet

Earlier this week a bunch of people in Massachusetts lost their shit when news outlets reported that car magnate and musician Ernie Boch Jr. is set to host a late-August fund raiser for Donald Trump. The $100 private event down in Norwood is promised to feature a speech by the presidential hopeful as well as some live music, though no scheduled performers or bands have been made public.

While all we wonder who will provide the smooth tunes, maybe organizers should look across the pond to shoegaze legends My Bloody Valentine.

According to the video below, which seems pretty legit, apparently the Donald is a big fan of “When You Sleep,” a noisy shoegaze jam featured on MBV’s landmark 1991 album Loveless. And if this is just some weird internet sorcery playing mind games with us all (o_O), maybe Boch can expose Trump to some gazing goodness later this month.

It looks so natural.