Loud In The Dark: Listen to two new songs from Boston doom riot quartet Sleep Crimes

Every now and again a song will find a permanent place on VanyaRadio rotation, whether it be a new emerging artist from the United States or England finding a frequent spin in the mornings or afternoons, or a Boston band crashing the “This Is 617” playlist and squatting there for an extended period of time. The latter was the case with Sleep Crimes’ 2014 song “I Pledge My Love (To Satan)”, a prom-minded number devoted to the dark lord, which gave a sinister rock and roll sincerity to our daily playlists.

Since the song’s first spin, we’ve been psyched on the promise of new music from the Boston-based “doom riot” quartet. And now we have it, via two new tracks that will be featured on a cassette release out this Friday at Jacques Underground Cabaret in the Theatre District.

The two new songs are worth the wait.

“(Matt) Demon Blues” is a fuzzy punk number that grooves like psychedelic hardcore, while “Twin Geeks” is a sludgy doom session that cruises along at a stoner’s pace until the midway mark, when it suddenly loses its shit and blasts out a riot grrrl jam session.

Check out both songs below (as well as the rad album artwork), and expect to hear each song in the mix this week on VanyaRadio.
