Cock This Way: Apparently Steven Tyler texted Lenny Kravitz about his exposed penis

When not too busy making country music and touring with Aerosmith, Steven Tyler stays up to date on all the rock star penis news. Yesterday was a big one in that world, as news spread like groupie legs that Lenny Kravitz exposed concertgoers in Sweden to some sweet sexy sausage while shredding out on stage in Stockholm.

People can’t get enough of seeing Kravitz’ schlong dangling free in the cool Scandinavian wind, and even Tyler felt fit to chime in. The singer texted Kravitz about #PenisGate, and applauded him for his penis lifestyle choices. But also shared some disappointment, as well.

From Kravitz’s twitter feed, sometime yesterday:

Guess Kravitz never went Tyler’s way.

[h/t Mashable]

Oh, and in case you missed it, you filthy animal, there’s video of the incident below, and Buzzfeed has some close-up shots