Let’s Make a Splash: Here’s what to expect at our Pool Party this Saturday at the Verb Hotel

Our second official Pool Party at the Verb Hotel in Boston arrives tomorrow afternoon, and while we’re busy checking the weather reports, arranging the deck chairs, and curating the VanyaRadio playlist, there are some notes we wanted to pass along to ensure everyone has a great time. The May launch event was a blast — but there are even more good times on the horizons.

1. Get there early.

The RSVP list is at more than four times the capacity of the Verb Hotel’s pool area. Usually for free events roughly half the number of people who RSVP’d actually show up, so if that’s the case, there’s a chance you might not get in. Make sure your name is on the list — this is a private, 21-plus event, after all — and roll up early. Preferably before the noon start time.

2. Take the T to the Verb.

Our friendly Fenway neighbors, the Boston Red Sox, are taking on the Tigers of Detroit at 4 p.m. local time. Even though our party runs from noon to 3 p.m., you know how that area gets on game days. There will be no on-site parking available at the Verb (unless you want the “game day” spots for $60 a pop), and lots around the hotel will cost around $30. So we advise you take public transportation, or Uber it.

3. Shout out to our sponsors.

Appropriate for the season, refreshments will be provided by Notch Brewing’s “American Session Beer” (@NotchBrewing) and Downeast Cider House’s “New England’s Craft Cider” (@DowneastCider). There is no cost to imbibe, but be responsible and play it safe. No one like a Pool Party Pooper. There will be plenty for everyone, served up by our friends at The Fenway.

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4. Boston’s New Alternative.

We have many cool promotions lined up with the Verb, and one of them includes VanyaRadio soundtracking the hotel. So for this event we’ll be broadcasting our online alt-pop radio station for the duration of the party, curating and crafting a master playlist appropriate for a fun day out in the sun and in the pool.

5. Have fun.

Here in Boston, you never know when the summer will begin, and when it will end. So come out this Saturday and raise a few Notchs and Downeast Ciders with us by the pool. Autumn will be here before we know it, and no one can go swimming in scarf weather. Bring good vibes and let’s party it up.

Vanyland Pool Party