Can’t Be Tamed: Here’s Miley Cyrus evicting her pet pig Bubba Sue from a cool party

We thought the biggest Miley Cyrus news this week would be word that the pop star is hosting the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, but nope — turns out she evicted a party pig from one of her recent bashes. We think the pig intruder in question is her celebrated pet swine Bubba Sue, but we don’t want to be spreading false pork reports.

But what is clear is this little piggy wasn’t welcome, and needed to be physically removed. It squealed all the way to the back door.

Props to Wayne Coyne of Flaming Lips for capturing this in video and sharing it with the world via Instagram. If you ever need a pig bouncer to not only bring home the bacon but make sure it stays outside, just call Miley.