Headbanger’s Call: Ghostbusters casting heavy metal extras for concert scene at the Wang

Being a metal head in Boston can be confusing.

One moment, you’re getting arrested for wearing a bullet belt in an MBTA bus in Allston (charges were eventually dropped). The next, you’re being cast as an extra in the new Ghostbusters movie, which is currently filming downtown.

According to the Globe, the new Ghostbusters flick is shooting a concert scene at the Wang Theatre next week, and it’s looking for as many as 600 people to fill the Theatre District venue. The desired demo: folks 35 and under, and some older men and women “who look like metal heads.”

Apparently, the Ghostbusters, led by Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, are busting some apparitions at a heavy metal concert. Maybe these guys are involved?

Here are details, via Merdeth Goldstein in the Globe’s Names section:

Billy Dowd Casting says it’s looking for people 35 and under — as well as older people who look like metal heads — to play the audience at a heavy metal concert in a scene that films from July 28 to 30. Dowd warns that the job doesn’t pay big bucks — but parking and lunch are included… To apply, send a clear and recent photo with your name, age, and number to heavymetalcasting2015@gmail.com.

Some more info, via Secret Boston:

Hey guys!! I’m booking people to work an exciting concert scene on GHOSTBUSTERS!! If you’re available July 27-29 and would like to be in a movie, email me at heavymetalcasting2015@gmail.com! Pay is 72/8 plus overtime over 8 hours. Lunch and parking provided. *Please note* The Globe dates are different than the actual dates. These are the actual dates. Look forward to lots of submissions!!

More information is available at billydowdcasting.com. Get on it, Boston.

But leave the bullet belts at home. And don’t call Ghost.