Go Write It Out: Boston band chided by Noel Gallagher on stage for not properly labeling demo CD

Former Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher played the Opera House last night, treating the Boston crowd to a nice mix of his new High Flying Birds material and a few classic, ’90s Britpop anthems. But midway through the show, one enterprising young local band decided it was the right time to get their music directly into the hands of one Noelly G.

The band in question, we think, is this group called the Memo, and some internet sleuthing says they might be from Braintree. [UPDATE 12:23 p.m.: Yup, that’s them.]

The exchange took a hilarious turn as Gallagher playfully scolded the band for not properly labeling their demo CD.

“When you’re giving away CDs of your shit,” Gallagher started up, “there’s not even a fucking name of who it is, or what it’s called, or a phone number, or nothing. No song titles, no name, no nothing. Now unless this is some psychedelic fucking album project, I’m saying, this cunt’s going nowhere. Thank you very much.”

Gallagher asked what the band was called, and they responded, “The Memo.”

And that sent Gallagher went into classic riff mode.

“The invisible man? No… the Memo? Do you fucking get the irony of that? A CD with nothing written on it by somebody called the Memo. Fucking hell — don’t make me say it.”

Gallagher then demanded that the whole interaction be put on YouTube, so here it is:

And here’s a track by the Memo, described as a band that “plays British-inspired rock, with minor influences of blues and punk, forming there unique aspects.with melodic choruses with full sounding, sweet guitar tracks, a simple wrap up bass and complex, intricate drum parts, the group of 15 and 16 year old’s meet to form their sound.” So we’re pretty sure this is the same band.