Sign Like These: Petition launched for Foo Fighters to release single on Dischord so they can break up

Earlier today Pitchfork caught up with Dave Grohl to discuss that fan letter the Foo Fighters’ singer/guitarist sent to Ian MacKaye when he was a teenager. The piece sheds some new light on the letter, which was posted to the Foo Fighters’ Twitter last week after being found by MacKaye, and includes this juicy quote from Grohl, which was no doubt said in jest: “I’m telling you, if the Foos could do a Dischord single, then we could break up. Done deal.”

Dischord Records, obviously, is the hardcore punk label founded by MacKaye in Washington, DC., back in 1980.

And even more obvious is the fact that someone took Grohl’s quote to heart, and created the following online petition: “Petitioning Dischord Records — Release a Foo Fighters single so Foo Fighters will break upFoo Fighters single so Foo Fighters will break up.”

The petition, posted to, was created by Grayson Currin of Raleigh, North Carolina. After a few hours, it has 124 signatures.

“People should support this petition because Dave Grohl says that, should Dischord release a Foo Fighters single, Foo Fighters will break up,” reads the petition’s bio. “This is very important, as Grohl and his band might be the most insufferable band of bros on the planet.”


Foo Fighters, meanwhile, play Fenway Park in Boston on July 18 and 19.